Friday, May 17, 2019

WeGoLook Review

WeGoLook App Review

I have been using the WeGoLook app now for 3 weeks and here is what I’ve learned.

A. Accounting is a mess if not seemingly fraudulent and purposefully misleading.

B. You never know who you will be talking to next. Too many Indians and no chief syndrome is prevalent. Communication between employees seems horribly lacking.

C. Looks are mischaracterized and misleading. Miles posted in distance to looks are not correct and off by 30 to 50 additional miles.

Here are a few.

D. Pay is inadequate and gas is on you. Even if they offer you more money, the chances of being paid are very slim.

After doing a total of 4 looks for this company, I am highly disappointed.

Firstly and to be completely honest, the way they conduct business is highly unprofessional and extremely lacking in many aspects.

I did a total of 4 looks but they only accounted for 3. After numerous emails and phone calls, they changed their story at least 5 times to the point that I just gave up on collecting on my last look.

At one point they knew about all four looks and then said I only did 3, only to change again and tell me that yes they have all 4 on file but two of them were done on a different pay cycle. Then after another call they acted as if they didn’t have any record of the 4th and last “Look” that I did for this company.

Let’s talk about that 4th look. They texted me via my phone after doing look number 3, which number 3 was one incredible blunder on their part. Not only did the 3rd look that I did send me to the wrong address and location, they had the mileage off by 30 plus miles. Add in that the right location was 12 miles even further, the total miles I drove for this one look, one way, was almost 83 miles, while the app itself showed a 49 mile drive. They did however add an additional 10$ to the Look, making the total for a 164 mile round trip 35$. I added gas to my expenses with a receipt that they ignored, so apparently it's screw the little guy and good luck. That left a sour taste in my mouth as the amount that I charged them for gas was 8$. Imagine that. A multimillion dollar company screwing you out of 8$ in gas.

Back to Look 4. WegoLook didn’t use their app, instead they texted me asking if I would be passing a certain address on my drive back from look 3. I replied that yes it was close and they texted that they needed this done ASAP but it only paid 6$ for what is called a drive by. I took the look and replied via text that I would. They then said to send the pictures via text and to not to use the app. Ok and I continued on to the stop which was only 3 miles off the route I was taking home. I took 2 pictures and sent them as requested.

They have denied this look has even taken place, although three times now they openly admitted that it did.

Now let’s talk about payments.

They were supposed to pay me for the first two looks that were done during the tail end of their pay cycle, in which case after the cycle I wrote in asking about getting paid.

I was sent the reply in the below conversation. They even sent a ledger as proof that payment was made. As you can see in the email copy, they don’t even know the year we are in. 2018? Really?

Regardless no payment was made, so I called.

After being laughed at by one person when I asked about the payment, they told me that I was already paid for all 4 looks. Where in fact I wasn’t paid at all.

I thought maybe we could see if there was an issue on their or my end with maybe the bank account numbers being wrong. I spoke to one person who assured me over and over that she was looking at my account and that they had paid me, again for all four looks. Now pay attention, this is where they slipped. They knew about all 4 looks in 3 other phone calls and even said they had paid me already, but in the very next call, they told me that I would only be paid for two looks this cycle and only one on the next. When I mentioned there was a 4th look, the lady I spoke to said, “Oh yes that look, ok I see that, its been added to your account just now by QA.” I said ok and hung up.

Then about an hour later another person called me and went through the whole entire process again with me and denied or at least claimed there was no record of the 4th look. Hmmm… and she said that I wasn’t paid yet and would be first thing in the AM the next day.

Wait a second. So three other people confirmed I had already been paid and now someone else is claiming I haven't. So which is it?

Ok so now I start thinking WegoLook is a scam.

WegoLook is either one really screwed up operation or they are trying to screw people out of very small amounts of money by constantly lying and switching stories.

I contacted my bank and had them look into any information that would prove they paid me, perhaps it was pending I thought. My bank assured me that no payment was ever made and that there were no pending payments accounted for. So I waited until noon the next day and started calling. Now here’s the kicker, suddenly every call goes to voice mail. Normally you can call and get someone on the line. So I tried a business line I have and my cell phone at the same time. My cell phone which I used to speak with WegoLook went straight to voice mail, but my business line was answered.

They’re avoiding me?

Over 36$?

At the time of this blog post, WegoLook still has not paid me the money they owe me.

To sum up my experience, WegoLook seems more like scam than anything else.

I’ve heard from some people on some Facebook pages that they are legit, but from where I stand, they are looking more like a huge piece of junk and along with many others. I would rank WegoLook from 1 to 10. 10 being great and 1 being pure crap. I give them a 1.5!

You are rolling the dice with these people plain and simple.

They try to get you to take jobs 79 miles away by telling you they’re only 40 or less. Pay you bare minimum on these jobs that I've secured on my own for 85$ to $120.

Google maps proved them wrong by 30 miles on almost every single Look sent to me.

I spent more in gas than the pay was worth and they are lying about paying out due fees.

I didn’t really want to write this post but after everything I’ve learned about this company first hand, I think people should be made aware.

I will post the conversations below of all the emails sent to me over the last two days.

Email after email claiming I've been paid.
Another ledger claiming I've been paid.

This was what started the whole issue. They kept emailing me as if I had just joined when I have been working for them for almost 3 weeks. It was concerning that these "Welcome to WeGoLook" emails were coming to me after I've done 4 looks for them on the books.

Another reply to the odd "Welcome to WeGoLook" emails after doing 4 jobs for them.

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